Nine Reasons Why Globalization Can’t Be Permanent

We spoke about globalization in an earlier post on some general terms – citing that it has taken a different shape or evolved. This article below however, delves deeper and highlights on nine reasons why this evolution will be forced to happen.

It is so well written, it covers all salient points and asks all the right questions – such as what we have pondered on the validity of GDP as a measure of success. The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) has of late been questioned as the main determinant of intelligence in the advent of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and soon Artificial Intelligence (AI). Likewise, we must question the accuracy in the way the success (or disguised failures) of a nation is presented, and what we are told is required for this success to materialize.

We especially loved this analogy of the current world situation and if anything is to be taken from this article, this is it:


Again kudos to the author Gail Tverberg for this in-depth piece (featured on her website on 31 Jan 2018). In it, Gail touches on issues such as a population growth, a growing wage-disparity, heavy energy consumption, and the demand for cheaper alternative energy:

Read about the 9 reasons here:

Also read more on how Globalization has evolved here

Hope you enjoy it as much as we did, and that it has the same effect it had – getting one to think outside the box and look at the big picture.

3 thoughts on “Nine Reasons Why Globalization Can’t Be Permanent”

  1. Your article copes with two major issues of the modern world economy, inequality and energy. To my opinion you missed the major points in both of these issues.

    A. Your analysis of inequality is nation-state focused, while the problem, as most of the world problems today are global. The globalization enabled transfer of industrial production to third world countries like China and India. As the result of it, it brought relative wealth to these countries. Only in China about half billion people ceased to live under powerty line. Probably the same is going to happen in India. If the price to be paid is relative impoverishment of working class in the most advanced countries, it seems to me a fair price to pay. You are right that those relatively impverished will revolt, by electing Trump and Brexit, but the solution can’t be antiglobal policy, that will impoverish everybody, but rather, globalization of politics too. Of course it is a very visionary thought. But it will come sooner or later, the only question is if it will come smoothly or as result of global conflict. In Europe it came as result of horrible conflict. Lets hope the humanity learned the lesson. This is my hope even if i don’t trust too much the human reason.

    B. Your analysis of the energy problem is very short term sighted. You are right about the problem of low-high oil price, that in one hand is to high to support economic growth, on the other hand it is lower on long run than production costs. Also i agree that energy is basic for economy. But to continue or even to increase the existing hidrocarbon based energy will necessarily bring the world towards other major resource limitation, the global ecological sustainability. The only solution to the energy problem is new technologies. Be it fusion energy production, most probably expected within fifteen to tventy years. But there are other more short term solutions, mainly derived from the scientific-technological discoveries in fields of nano technology and genetics. By the way photovoltaic power technology is highly rewarded by these technologies.

    C. The world population growth, concentrated mainly in the economicly impoverished countries, can’t be coped by some national-centric isolation of the more developed countries. The only way to stop the world population growth is by economic welfare change and proper education for female population, that is hard to achieve without cultural change in these countries, where the woman are practically enslaved and forced to ignorance. 

    1. Some very powerful points raised especially which point C(3) …it’s all about a shift in culture and outlook brought about by a skewed gender wage and equality gap. It all starts there from the ‘birther if life’ and the decisions she makes – or in this case is forced to make. I guess this too much of a Euro-centric look at the issue and you are very spot on with your analysis. This was actually a repost and I am glad you were able to pick on it and show the other (quite important yet challenging aspects on the topic of globalization).

      As usual, you have a broader yet realistic approach to dealing with topics which is always appreciated – thanks for reading Eugene!

      We also both agree and know that the solutions mentioned in most of your ‘remedies’ lie in the hands or greedy politicians who have a tunnel vision of their role or just look for their short term gains…

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